Newborn baby boy at Christmas time photo session

Posted on February 25th, by cartyfrancis1 in Blog, Featured Families. No Comments

Baby John was such a cutie at only just shy of three weeks old. I love that Melissa and Craig wanted to do the session during that fresh newborn baby stage-it is hard when you are so tired and still recovering from delivery, but it is soooo worth it! Fresh babies are not only cute they are sleepy and easy to photograph. During the shoot we really just needed to keep him warm with all the those cute outfit changes. Because it was right before Christmas, we had a cute crocheted Santa hat and pouch that he just fit perfectly in. Melissa also had gotten him an adorable bow tie and suspenders in Christmas colors that was just too stinking cute and I loved that it was a little too big for him as well. They are such a cute family complete with little fluffy doggie and I am so happy for them! Congratulations on your sweet baby boy. Enjoy!

newborn dog family christmas newborn family christmas newborn family christmas newborn stalking family christmas newborn bowtie family christmas newborn family hands feet christmas newborn family christmas newborn santa family christmas newborn family christmas

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