Category: Featured Families

Newborn photo session: baby David

Posted by cartyfrancis1 in Blog, Featured Families. No Comments

7th September

Newborn baby boy photo shoot Newborn baby boy photo shoot Newborn baby boy photo shoot Newborn baby boy photo shoot Newborn baby boy photo shoot Newborn baby boy photo shoot

Sweet little Audrey Jean newborn shoot

Posted by cartyfrancis1 in Blog, Featured Families. 1 Comment

19th February

I had the pleasure of doing a newborn photo shoot recently! Now that my baby is not such a baby anymore, it is nice to be around little ones! Little Audrey Jean was a sweetheart and her parents Lindsey and Rob are doing a great job! I loved how relaxed they were, which can be hard as new parents! They assured me when I got there that Audrey would be sleeping the entire time, but Audrey had different plans! Of course, it is totally understandable due to well you know wardrobe changes, bow changes, body nudging and camera clicking. I used to call it baby torture but now it’s just a right of passage!! But you know I try to make it easier on them with warmth and shhss, and mom nearby!! Anyways, I am pleased to take the photos of another cute little soul!

Newborn baby girl Audrey Newborn baby girl Audrey Newborn baby girl Audrey Newborn baby girl Audrey Newborn baby girl Audrey Newborn baby girl Audrey Newborn baby girl Audrey newborn baby with wedding rings on toes Newborn baby girl Audrey Newborn baby girl Audrey Newborn baby girl Audrey Newborn baby girl Audrey Newborn baby girl Audrey Newborn baby girl Audrey Newborn baby girl Audrey

Sweet baby Rae Lee

Posted by cartyfrancis1 in Blog, Featured Families. 5 comments

1st March

I just love babies and I love babies that are born to parents who are awesome! This little girl is adorable, and with all that cuteness you got have a little spunk too. After all she is part California/part Kentucky!  Proud parents, Jody and Jason are good friends and I am so happy for them and I look forward to our girls growing up together! I had bought some new stretch fabric to wrap the baby with for our shoot and Jody had a rustic wooden crate and floral wreath and voilá we have 16th century mediterranean baby. Dressing up babies is so much fun, if only they would enjoy it just a little bit more! Rae did awesome though and we were able to get some beautiful shots of her. Congrats Neal family!

baby newborn girl baby newborn girl baby newborn girl baby newborn girl baby newborn girl baby newborn girl RayBlog6 baby newborn girl baby newborn girl family baby newborn girl

Newborn baby boy at Christmas time photo session

Posted by cartyfrancis1 in Blog, Featured Families. No Comments

25th February

Baby John was such a cutie at only just shy of three weeks old. I love that Melissa and Craig wanted to do the session during that fresh newborn baby stage-it is hard when you are so tired and still recovering from delivery, but it is soooo worth it! Fresh babies are not only cute they are sleepy and easy to photograph. During the shoot we really just needed to keep him warm with all the those cute outfit changes. Because it was right before Christmas, we had a cute crocheted Santa hat and pouch that he just fit perfectly in. Melissa also had gotten him an adorable bow tie and suspenders in Christmas colors that was just too stinking cute and I loved that it was a little too big for him as well. They are such a cute family complete with little fluffy doggie and I am so happy for them! Congratulations on your sweet baby boy. Enjoy!

newborn dog family christmas newborn family christmas newborn family christmas newborn stalking family christmas newborn bowtie family christmas newborn family hands feet christmas newborn family christmas newborn santa family christmas newborn family christmas

Family Portrait Day in the park

Posted by cartyfrancis1 in Blog, Featured Families. No Comments

23rd February

This past family portrait mini session day was at Hap Magee Ranch Park in Danville. It is such a great spot for doing portraits and especially when you are working with multiple families and you want variety in one place. The only thing is that you are not the only photographer and family there shooting at the same time, however the park has so many options and is big there was no issues ( and of course everyone is respectful of others!) I love the big Oak tree and I love the heart on it-makes for a great spot to show love between loved ones. I also love the fall colors here-there are some amazing trees with so many pretty colors-it is great for fall family photos. I photographed three families here at this park and they were all different: toddler, baby and family of six including a doggie!! Let’s just say, I was kept plenty busy. I can’t wait till next fall for my next family portrait  mini session day! family photo mini session four kids dog Hap Magee Ranch Park fall leaves family photo mini session four kids dog Hap Magee Ranch Park family photo mini session four kids dog Hap Magee Ranch Park family photo mini session four kids dog Hap Magee Ranch Park family photo mini session toddler Hap Magee Ranch Park family photo mini session toddler Hap Magee Ranch Park family photo mini session toddler Hap Magee Ranch Park family photo mini session toddler Hap Magee Ranch Park family photo mini session baby Hap Magee Ranch Park family photo mini session baby Hap Magee Ranch Park family photo mini session baby Hap Magee Ranch Park

one year old Ian and family portrait

Posted by cartyfrancis1 in Blog, Featured Families. 1 Comment

3rd December

I had so much fun photographing this family of three! We went to the Martinez waterfront and the sun came out for just a few minutes!! Ian is like a nephew to me and he is such a cutie pie! He was so easy to photograph-just give him some space to run around and make sure his mommy is nearby. I love his anchor overalls-I think he wants to be a sailor like his daddy!! Thanks guys!

martinez waterfront family one year old boy sailor anchor overalls martinez waterfront family one year old boy sailor anchor overalls martinez waterfront family one year old boy sailor anchor overalls martinez waterfront family one year old boy sailor anchor overalls martinez waterfront family one year old boy sailor anchor overalls martinez waterfront family one year old boy sailor anchor overallsmartinez waterfront family one year old boy sailor anchor overalls

Baby Logan newborn session

Posted by cartyfrancis1 in Blog, Featured Families. 3 comments

2nd December

Sooooo happy for these first time (human) parents, my friends Jessica and Sergio! Their baby, Logan (named after their favorite xmen character :) is such a sweetheart!! Logan is just  a month old in these images but he is already smiling. I think it’s because he is so happy to have such great parents and two sweet doggies and three cats(wheww-I think that’s it!-for now!) He is going to be such a loved little soul. Congrats guys!!!!   baby boy Logan Newborn session doggie hat baby boy Logan Newborn session baby boy Logan Newborn session baby boy Logan Newborn session baby boy Logan Newborn session baby boy Logan Newborn session

Sweet family of five portrait session in Pacifica

Posted by cartyfrancis1 in Blog, Featured Families. No Comments

26th November

I had the pleasure photographing this sweet family in Pacifica. We wanted to capture the girls in their room before they changed to bunkbeds-it was their cute little space that they shared and you could tell these sisters were going to be best friends for life! Their little brother of course did not get left out and they both cuddled him in as much as they could. Then we ventured out for a nice little walk to get the whole family captured and they were all such troopers even after stepping in the doggie doo doo! family portrait pacifica family portrait pacifica family portrait pacifica family portrait pacifica family portrait pacifica

Mother’s Day Mini Sessions

Posted by cartyfrancis1 in Blog, Featured Families. 3 comments

7th April

Moms-it is time to celebrate Mother’s Day by treating yourself to a photo session with your family! Just you and your kids, maybe throw in the hubby and/or grandma and capture the cuddles, tickles and laughs that you and your family share.  I am offering mini sessions for families up to 6 at the end of this month! Please contact me to book your session for either Saturday April 26 or Sunday April 27. Space is limited so please sign up early. Please email or give me a ring to book your session!MothersDayBlogPosting

Beautiful California Oak tree grove family portraits

Posted by cartyfrancis1 in Blog, Featured Families. No Comments

12th November

I love the Californian environment! Oak trees and grassy hills are just gorgeous anytime of year, so I am glad I photographed the Fulmer family in such a classic Cali setting. The Fulmer family have been in California for about two years, moving from and equally beautiful state, Colorado. We had fun tromping around in the dry grass and finding cool trees to pose in front of! The kids were great and enjoyed the bubbles I blew to keep spirits high. I have to say, this family has some stunning sparkly blue eyes!

California family portrait oak tree blue California family portrait oak tree blue California family portrait oak tree blue California family portrait oak tree blue California family portrait oak tree blue California family portrait oak tree blue California family portrait oak tree blue California family portrait oak tree blue California family portrait oak tree blue